What is a development circle?

A development circle is a group of people who are interested in unfolding their psychic and medium abilities.

Whilst there are many workshops, retreats and other opportunities to learn about different aspects of spiritual and psychic abilities there is no quick path to understanding and competence in these faculties. These faculties take time and dedication to practice to unfold in their own time - a development circle is the ideal setting for this to occur.

It is also an opportunity for participants to develop their own relationship with the spirit world, this includes spirit guides as well as loved ones who help them along their path of understanding.

A development circle is led by an experienced medium - someone who is competent at connecting with the spirit world and who understands the fundamental principles of mediumship. A development circle can also be called a “home circle”, “development group” or “progressive development” circle/group. Regardless of the name used, the purpose is the same - to offer an opportunity for the spirit world to work with us and to allow the unfoldment of our spiritual abilities.

In summary, a development circle is an appointment with the spirit world and an invitation to work with us in the physical world to expand our understanding and unfold our abilities over time.


Why develop your psychic abilities?

In short, psychic abilities are the gateway to your soul. In order to unlock the mysteries of the spirit world you must first learn to tune in to your own energy on a physical level which leads you to your own soul connection. It is important to understand what is psychic energy so that you can tell the difference when you connect to and work with the spirit world.

Psychic development is also an opportunity to heighten your sensitivities, to unlock your own empathic and intuitive abilities - all are essential skills when working with the spirit world. You will work with others in the group to connect psychically to their physical selves, as well as connect to their soul.

To understand how to connect to the soul of someone in spirit you must first learn to connect to the soul of someone in the physical world.

I emphasise that unlocking your psychic abilities have nothing to do “fortune telling” - a psychic reading does not have to have any aspect of future possibilities but instead identify your own current or past state of being (mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually) and this may include any aspect of your life.

Likewise, psychic readings do not require tools (tarot cards, pendulums, etc.) in order to meet the needs of the recipient. Tools are useful and can focus the reading to a specific aspect for the recipient but are not essential in order for a reading to be successful - a development circle will give you the skills and confidence to read psychically without the need for tools.

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Mediumship development

Mediumship (the ability to communicate with the spirit world) is a gift from the spirit world to this earthly, physical world.

The ability to provide evidence to confirm the eternal life of our soul is a an honour and a privilege. Anyone who has received irrefutable evidence via a medium will know the joy that we never die, our spirit lives on in eternity.

Mediumship is sacred and any person who speaks in the name of the spirit world and who provides evidence to demonstrate a connection to the spirit world is responsible for all the say in the name of spirit.

It is because of this responsibility that development, understanding and competence when working with the spirit world is essential.

A development circle offers this opportunity - our friends in spirit know our intent, they are aware that we are seeking knowledge and this opportunity to learn and develop. Our guides, loved ones and other spirit helpers want us to learn, they want us to be their representative and they will work with us to allow our skills to develop.

Karen will teach you how to connect to the soul of someone in spirit, to utilise your clairsentience as well as other ‘clair’ faculties to truly connect to the essence of the communicator. You will also learn to understand and work with a small amount of detailed evidence to truly bring confirmation to your recipient of the eternal flame of the soul. Our loved ones have far more to say than “she loved to cook”, “he was a hard worker”, or “they say they love you”.


What to expect

The development circle will be run as follows:

  • Welcome and opening prayer (call to Spirit)

  • Meditation to sit in the Power

  • Discussion/lecture, exercises and activities to develop skills

  • Closing prayer (thanking Spirit)

  • Short discussion, including Q&A


Karen is not running development circles at the moment.

Important Information

Development circles are not suitable for those with bi-polar or other psychotic disorders.

If it is apparent that you have a psychotic disorder or other condition that may be triggered by the meditation or other activities used in a development circle, for your health and wellbeing, you will not be allowed to participate.