
Terms & Conditions

Demonstrations, shows, including corporate, fundraising and other public events


  • No guarantee is made that all attendees will receive a reading for these events, however every effort will be made to read as many attendees as possible.

  • Readings are designed for guidance and reassurance. Under no circumstances are you obliged to take the courses of action based on any guidance provided to you during a reading.

  • You should always seek professional advice with regards to any major life decisions, particularly in areas relating to legal, medical or financial concerns.

  • No guarantee is made for a medium reading to occur.

  • By attending an event, you agree to these terms and conditions.


The venue host and Karen Baldwin are not responsible for any loss or damage to personal items whilst using the venue. Any damage you cause to the venue’s property or fittings during the event is the financial responsibility of you. Whilst all care is taken when handling guests safety and property, no liability or responsibility will be taken for injury, loss of, or damage to property before, during or following a function.

You are responsible for your own participation and wellbeing. You must inform Karen Baldwin if at any time you experience any physical, mental or emotional discomfort which you consider to be out of the ordinary. You willingly and knowingly assume for yourself, your heirs and legal representatives, all risk of physical injury or emotional upset which may occur during or after this event and you hereby agree to Karen Baldwin and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents and /or volunteers, harmless from any liability, damage, loss, cost or expense, arising out of your participation in this event.

Please Note About Receiving Messages from Mediums

Like all mediumship shows there is no guarantee you will receive a message due to the numbers but Karen Baldwin will try to read for many as possible. From my experience many people say that even if they do not receive a message they have enjoyed seeing the reactions of those who do.

Some messages given can be confronting and upsetting if you are being given a message you do not wish to hear or receive please let the medium know and they will stop.

Please then respect other guests if they decide to continue with the message, if you feel uncomfortable hearing someone else's messages please feel free to leave the room for a break.


Please be advised that no psychic or medium reading can predict, forecast, diagnose or provide information with absolute certainty. No guarantees or assurances of any kind are given and Karen Baldwin will not be held accountable for any interpretations or decisions made by recipients based on information provided during readings.