Alcohol, eating and spiritual connection

Recently I was hosting my 'Meet the Residents: An Interactive Ghost Encounter'™ event and a lady arrived early. She was invited by the venue manager to purchase a drink from the bar to enjoy while she waited for the event to commence.

She looked at us and said (in an officious tone) "I don't drink, I'm a psychic". To which I responded in my usual diplomatic way "all the best psychics I know are piss pots!" and laughed (because I'm subtle like that!)

Okay, so it wasn't my finest moment and I could have responded in a more diplomatic way but it did kinda get me thinking about the consumption of various ingestibles.

I recall when I was doing my first psychic development workshop that a couple of the other participants went to great lengths to explain their no alcohol, vegan, organic macrobiotic diet all washed down with filtered water in order to enhance their own spiritual connectivity. Everyone else pretty much ate and drank what they wanted and we all did pretty well.

I also recall a talk by Tony Stockwell on this subject. Whilst the exact words are lost in the fog of time (okay, I'm too lazy to find the notebook I recorded such words of wisdom in) the general gist was to enjoy the pleasures of life in moderation. Don't deny but don't overindulge, balance is critical and self love is even more important.

I am the last person on earth to give dietary advice, I am still finding my own balance and my own version of moderation. I rarely drink alcohol these days for no other reason than I don't really enjoy it that much. I eat too much of the "good stuff" - butter, animal fats, etc which affects my health and general feeling of wellness, but I know about it and I am aware of it.

Should you follow any particular diet or regime? if it makes you feel better and you aren't hurting anyone, then why not? but the inclusion or exclusion of anything is unlikely to make you a better (or worse) psychic or medium.